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2015 National Festival Bidding Is Drawing To A Close
Have you expressed your support for a 2015 destination?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Region 1's proposed 2015 National Festival destination is leading the bidding totals with the Region 9 destination proposal running a close second.

2015 National Festival Bidding Is drawing to a close and less than 24 hours remain to select the 2015 National Festival destination and to decide whether or not Gup competition will be included in the 2015 agenda.

Members interested in the National Festival are encouraged to participate in the NO RISK bidding process and help Federation Officials provide the best possible event experience based on your input.

Bid For Region 1
Danvers Harbor, MA
Region 1 Danvers Harbor, Massachusetts
Bid For Region 9
Region 9 Disneyland, California


Bid or Pledge Now!

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Save $1000 or More By Bidding On The National Festival Destination

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why Should I Bid On The National Festival Destination?

Its simple. Lets do the math.

For example, I BID $500 and earn $125 PLUS potentially SAVE $1000 to $1500 when my local destination wins.

Wherever you live, attending the National Festival has always meant, and will continue to mean, one of two different travel and cost experiences in order to participate. The time commitment and the financial commitment required to experience this remarkable national event are primary reasons why only the most dedicated and committed practitioners (typically, less than 15% of all members) have historically participated in the National Festival.

  1. Cars-256When the National Festival is relatively near you, then driving in for the Festival activities will probably result in attendance costs of fuel, lodging (if you can't drive home each night), meals and registration fees totaling $500 to $700.
  2. When the National Festival is far away from you, then flying in will probably result in attendance costs of airfare, parking fees at airport, or a cab/friend taking you to and from the airport, a rental car or shuttle when you arrive at the festival site, lodging, meals and registration fees totaling $1500 to $2000.

Sooooooooo if I BID or PLEDGE $500 toward a National Festival destination that is near my students and if that local destination wins, then we can each Save $1000 or more by bidding on a local National Festival destination because we will be able to attend locally rather than far away if that destination wins.

AND with the Federation's win-win-win bidding policy and 25% bonus credit for every dollar I bid, then my $500 BID earns an additional $125 in bonus credit and becomes a total of $625 on my member ledger.

OR if I PLEDGE $500, then I can make small, affordable monthly payments to Headquarters over time toward the cost of attending the National Festival.

AND if the destination I BID for does NOT win, then I can get a full refund or I can apply my bid plus bonus toward attending the event at the winning location or apply it toward any other Federation products or services that I want.

Hmmmmmmmm.... seems like the question should be, "Why would I NOT Bid on the National Festival Destination?"

“Individual participation is the Key Energy necessary to strengthen our foundation.”
– H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim


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What The Heck Is Going On In Region 8!?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

r8_fed_fist_patch_300_dpi_transparent_300x309We are not exactly sure whats going on in Region 8, but something is definitely up!

Although it's still early in the 2014 National Festival destination bidding process, it's already beginning to look like Region 8 may steal the event away from everybody else.

Take a look at the real-time results of the bidding process that will determine the 2014 National Festival destination.

Now take a look at this map illustrating nationwide Federation Dan member population density and tell me why you think that more members are bidding to host the National Festival at the highlighted destination shown on the map than are bidding for it to be held in any other location in the U.S., even areas where far more Dan members live?


Whatever is going on in Region 8, it seems to fly in the face of logical assumptions.

For example:

  • One might presume that Dan members who plan to participate in the 2014 National Festival would want to do so at the lowest possible cost by avoiding airfare and minimizing hotel expense and would thus bid to keep the event in their backyard... or not.
  • One might also presume that Regional Officials responsible for sponsoring Regional Teams to attend the National Festival would bid to keep the event nearby and thus seek to avoid the cost of airfare and minimize hotel expenses they are responsible for... or not.
  • One might even presume that in locations where more members live who are potential National Festival participants that those areas would be most likely to have more bidders and win the event simply because the number of potential bidders in high density member population areas out number the number of potential bidders from elsewhere... or not.
  • One might even presume that the circled destination on the map is currently leading the bidding because members in the higher density population areas simply have not heard that they can bid to keep the National Festival near them...or not.
  • Or perhaps they do not yet understand the new bidding process policy or they have just not yet visited the Festival bidding website... or not.
  • Or maybe they have not yet participated in the online polls or seen the Federation Facebook posts... or not.
  • Or maybe they have not yet read their emails about the bidding process being used to determine the 2014 National Festival destination...or not.

Regardless of what else may be going on in Region 8, the tangible results to date seem to suggest that embodiment of Kwan Jang Nim's Vision Tour mantra is at work here.

“Individual participation is the Key Energy necessary to strengthen our foundation.”
– H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim

Why do you think the circled destination on the map is currently leading the pack to host the 2014 National Festival instead of locations with much higher Dan member populations?

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I Can't Bid For The National Festival Destination Right Now Because I Have Commitment Issues

Reading Time: 3 minutes


iStock_000014861801SmallI can't bid for the National Festival destination right now because I have commitment issues. Heck, this year isn't even over, things in my life are uncertain and my schedule is hectic and always changing, plus I am broke and have no money, so how can I possibly be expected to place a bid right now for a future National Festival destination when I do not even know for sure when the event will be or where it will be!?  And on top of all that I am a Gup and I heard Gups can't even attend.


Totally understandable concerns and it just so happens that the Federation's win-win-win bidding policy was crafted with your circumstances in mind!

Money back guarantee

Any bid amount that you make is essentially a fully refundable deposit toward your National Festival registration fees.

If you get "buyer's remorse" right after placing your bid and your commitment-a-phobia really starts acting up, no problem, you are totally protected and you can request a full refund of your original bid amount at any time during the redemption period defined by the Federation.

AND if you have no money but want to attend the National Festival, then you should read this and then bid.

AND if you are a Gup who thinks you cannot attend the National Festival, then you should read this and then bid.

iStock_000019754161LargeAND you can apply your bid amount PLUS the 25% additional credit that you get just for placing a bid, toward any other Federation fees, dues, purchases, subscriptions, etc. during the redemption period defined by the Federation.

There is nothing to fear about expressing your financial support for the exciting National Festival that you "think" that you "might" just "possibly" "may" "think about" attending, but are not sure just yet.

Broken linkIn fact, you get a 25% bonus today when you can look your commitment-a-phobia right in the eye and click that bid button without hesitation! 🙂

Join your fellow members who are doing just that!

HOWEVER, know that should your commitment-a-phobia defeat you in this moment and thus prevent you from taking personal action and placing your bid before bidding closes.... Weeeeeeeellll then later on when the Festival date draws near and you finally muster up the desire to attend...... then sadly you will pay 25% more to attend than if you had summoned your brave energy and placed your bid today.

Bid in Internet

Sooooooooo can we assume that given all these wonderful terms and protections, that if you do not bid now, then that means that we will definitely NOT be welcoming you at the National Festival ? 🙁

Be brave. And be there! 🙂

Bid today!

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

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Its Crayon Simple To Bid

Reading Time: < 1 minute

4587864_HiResIt is crayon simple to bid for your preferred National Festival Destination.

  1. Click to select your preferred destination for the National Festival
  2. Place your bid online and earn 25% additional credit for every dollar you bid.
    • OR
    • If you are a Gup who thinks you cannot attend the National Festival, then read this, and then bid online or email your pledge amount to:
    • OR
    • If you have no money, but still want to bid, read this and then email your pledge amount to:


You cannot lose with the Federation's win-win-win bidding policy.

Soooooooooo what's keeping you from bidding right now?