Will Your Region Submit A Proposal To Host The
2017 National Festival?
Get ahead of any other Regions that might be vying for the same year by submitting your proposal now.
National Events
Will Your Region Submit A Proposal To Host The
2017 National Festival?
Get ahead of any other Regions that might be vying for the same year by submitting your proposal now.
Region 1 Leaders undertook a massive initiative and succeeded in winning the hosting rights for the 2015 National Festival AND in an extended bidding cycle members also acquired the support needed for the TAC to add Gup Competition to the 2015 Festival Agenda.
If you have not checked out the 2015 destination, take a moment to do so and book your hotel room now as the $129 group rates end on July 10, 2015 and the block is already almost sold out.
Region 1 (ME, NH, VT, RI, MA, CT) members have won hosting rights proposed this location and date for the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation National Festival® in 2015. We would love to have you come to our region for the 2015 National Festival.
Click on a photo (NOT the slideshow button) for a carousel of amazing Boston area photos. [advanced_iframe securitykey="0aa52c528c583a9d07acf03673e9c331d3018a34" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://www.shobeiransariphotography.com/keyword/boston/" width="752" height="800" id="advanced_iframe" hide_page_until_loaded="true" show_iframe_loader="true" enable_responsive_iframe="true" enable_lazy_load="true" ]
The 2015 National Festival is being hosted by Region 1 in Danvers, MA July 30 to August 1, 2015 and one question remains on the table about the 2015 agenda, "Will Gup competition be included in the 2015 National Festival agenda?" Members have been further empowered by the Board and TAC to decide that matter as discussed by the Board and TAC Chairman below.
Even though the minimum bidding threshold has been met for Region 1 to host the Dan only 2015 National Festival, the criteria for adding Gup competition to the agenda remains unmet. The overall quality of Gup competition (divisions, age groups, etc.) some variable costs and member service matters are still important considerations when an insufficient quantity of Gups show up.
In support of studio owners vocalizing support for Gup competition to be included in the 2015 National Festival agenda, the bidding and pledging process is extended to April 10th, 2015 and the TAC Chairman has agreed to host another National Studio Owner teleconference on March 11, 2015 at 9:30 PM EST.
These actions are being taken to support this secondary bidding cycle that focuses soley on quantifying the amount of actual Gup member interest that exists for Gups competing in the National Festival because Gup members can already attend all seminars and other activities at the 2015 National Festival.
The extended bidding process will provide additional time for interested members to recruit additional Gup attendees to bid or pledge and after April 10th we can reevaluate if a sufficient quantity of Gup participants have identified themselves by bidding or pledging in order to justify the effort that needs to be expended by the TAC to facilitate Gup competition in the National Festival agenda.
Keith Wildonger, Board Chairman
Cash Cooper, TAC Chairman
150 Gup Bidders Assures Gup Competition Will Be Added To The 2015 Festival Agenda
Earn 25% On Every Dollar You Bid |
No Money Required To Pledge |
2015 National Festival To Be Hosted By Region 1
Congratulations Region 1!
Bid or Pledge Now!
2015 National Festival To Be Hosted By Region 1
Congratulations Region 1!
The 2015 National Festival is being hosted by Region 1 in Danvers, MA July 30 to August 1, 2015 and one question remains on the table about the 2015 agenda, "Will Gup competition be included in the 2015 National Festival agenda?" Members have been further empowered by the Board and TAC to decide that matter as discussed by the Board and TAC Chairman below.
Even though the minimum bidding threshold has been met for Region 1 to host the Dan only 2015 National Festival, the criteria for adding Gup competition to the agenda remains unmet. The overall quality of Gup competition (divisions, age groups, etc.) some variable costs and member service matters are still important considerations when an insufficient quantity of Gups show up.
In support of studio owners vocalizing support for Gup competition to be included in the 2015 National Festival agenda, the bidding and pledging process is extended to April 10th, 2015 and the TAC Chairman has agreed to host another National Studio Owner teleconference on March 11, 2015 at 9:30 PM EST.
These actions are being taken to support this secondary bidding cycle that focuses soley on quantifying the amount of actual Gup member interest that exists for Gups competing in the National Festival because Gup members can already attend all seminars and other activities at the 2015 National Festival.
The extended bidding process will provide additional time for interested members to recruit additional Gup attendees to bid or pledge and after April 10th we can reevaluate if a sufficient quantity of Gup participants have identified themselves by bidding or pledging in order to justify the effort that needs to be expended by the TAC to facilitate Gup competition in the National Festival agenda.
Keith Wildonger, Board Chairman
Cash Cooper, TAC Chairman
Earn 25% On Every Dollar You Bid |
No Money Required To Pledge |
Bid or Pledge Now!
Your Region 1 Hosts Invite You To Come Experience The Beautiful Festival Venue North of Boston
[ratings]Region 1 (ME, NH, VT, RI, MA, CT) members are hosting the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation National Festival® in 2015.
We would love to have you come to our region for the 2015 National Festival. Please support with your bids and pledges.
When you place a bid for the Region 1 proposal you are indicating that this is your preferred destination for 2015 and you also earn 25% on your bid amount just for participating in the bidding process and you have no risk with the Federation's bidding policy even if you change your mind about attending later, you can always get a 100% refund.
To Include Gup Competition In The 2015 Festival Agenda Requires: A minimum total GUP bids and/or pledges >= $15,000. For example, 100 Gups bidding or pledging $150 each = $15,000.
Click on a photo (NOT the slideshow button) for a carousel of amazing Boston area photos. [advanced_iframe securitykey="0aa52c528c583a9d07acf03673e9c331d3018a34" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://www.shobeiransariphotography.com/keyword/boston/" width="752" height="800" id="advanced_iframe" hide_page_until_loaded="true" show_iframe_loader="true" enable_responsive_iframe="true" enable_lazy_load="true" ]
Region 1's proposed 2015 National Festival destination is leading the bidding totals with the Region 9 destination proposal running a close second.
2015 National Festival Bidding Is drawing to a close and less than 24 hours remain to select the 2015 National Festival destination and to decide whether or not Gup competition will be included in the 2015 agenda.
Members interested in the National Festival are encouraged to participate in the NO RISK bidding process and help Federation Officials provide the best possible event experience based on your input.
Bid or Pledge Now!